Monthly Archives: December 2014

Minutes of Redstone Labor Temple Meeting of 11/19/14; NEXT MEETING DEC. 10 5 TO 6PM

Present: Karl Kramer, Peter P. (Mojo), David Grace, Gary Gregerson, Rick Gerharter, Oliver Mains, Dena Beard (The Lab)

– Lab benefit: They raised $57,000!
– Feb. 27 Redstone Anniversary event: Lab has agreed to host. Roger will make presentation, open house, also suggested to have a play or reenactment of events related to the building history.
– t-shirts for ongoing fundraising: Karl has 2 different designs – will get final images.
– Building update: combo lock still in negotiations with landlord. Owner agreed to energy audit of the building after Thanksgiving.

Karl proposed our meetings be the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 5 to 6pm.

Next meeting: Weds. Dec. 10, 5 to 6pm room 302 of the Redstone. Please send any agenda items to Gary Gregerson (RLTA Secretary-Treasurer) care of

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Posted by on December 2, 2014 in Uncategorized